Thursday, October 28, 2010

The last week of October!

Trevor is learning a lot of new words lately. As they say his language abilities have exploded. He will even say a few new words in a day. He still has troubles with vowel sounds, but we are working on that. He is doing so great.
I have been teaching him that there are girls and boys. He will go through the family and say names and if they are a baby or not, now he goes through the family and if we aren't a baby he will say mommy or daddy. He points to himself and say "No bubbee, Guy!". I don't remember how I introduced the word 'guy' into that lesson but I did. He's not a boy either just a guy. Daddy's not a boy he's a daddy, according to Trevor. He constantly laughs, he is so cute.

Cory turned 1 on Monday. He didn't like the cupcake, I tried to feed it to him the next day but he didn't want it then either. He threw it on the floor. Cory is teething a bit, he still doesn't have any.

Lucky us we got sick this week, too. Lovely stomach flu going around our family. I think Elaine got the worst of it. She felt better yesterday but relapsed after Trevor was sick in the night. Poor girl! I am not feeling well either. I sure hope Dave doesn't get it, too!

Our favorite things Elaine says

She recently said "Cory is so cute I can hardly lift him" - October 2010
She also says "Cory is like a dream come true" - summer and October 2010

This is Elaine's school picture! So pretty!
Elaine is in Kindergarten now and she LOVES it. She often asks me if it is time to go to school yet. she is a great student and quite smart. She is so mature for her age. She is way more mature than I was at that age. She knows the alphabet, numbers, and shapes, she can even sound out some words. You go girl!!
She has even had a boy try to kiss her.